Can you believe there are several online forums who actually claim to provide hackers in case you want to get someone’s Website, Facebook, Gmail, WhatsApp, Netflix etc hacked?
The grand and Mysterious “World Wide Web” can be a dilemma for the naive, searching for the desired items may open a Pandora box of forbidden gifts.
It is no secret that the internet is a familiar place for black market offerings such as: Firearms and drugs or hackers offering fee for hacking lessons. These hackers also provide an array of services most likely to be illegal.
A quick glimpse of few illegal services and their rates:
Hacking a generic website:
Approximately $2,000, most hackers are available on Reddit-like forums. There are plenty but these Hackers prefer anonymity and want dispersed modular payments for their offered services. One person even posted an ad offering as steep as 2k Euro for a WordPress-built website.
WhatsApp: $200 – $300
WhatsApp is in the list of most desirable hacked programs where hackers are mostly charging $200 to $300.
A Tool to hack Facebook accounts: $19.99 for 3 month
One website is offering a downloadable tool called Facebook Hacker, to hack any Facebook account and people who used it successfully done so.
Yelp reviews: $3 – $350
A hacker offered boosting Yelp ratings for positive reviews for as low as $3 a pop. Some hackers even claimed to remove negative reviews. Also found was a series of follow up programs costing $350 going for months which promise to persistently post good reviews remove bad ones and ensure no negative reviews show up on their business page.
Hacking lessons for: $20:
At another of this shady forum, A Hacker plus teacher claimed to teach hacking tricks such as distributed denial of service attack (DDoS). DDoS attack is about sending spam traffic to servers to hinder their websites performance. The asking price was $20, from which $10 to be paid in advance and the rest of the amount after course completion.
Gmail account access: $90
A website called, lists Hacking projects by anonymous users which they want to be finished, although not all get through but some make the mark, one user asked for a Gmail account hack and they projects closing bid was $90.

Facebook account access: $350

One post called HackersList in which a user plead to get a Facebook page heck interestingly as he needed to know what was going on there, the bid closed at $350.
Hilton HHonors Points: $15
At year’s start “Hilton” allegedly admitted that its rewards program HHonors had been compromised rendering many member passwords and Pins vulnerable. Hilton later asked members to change passwords yet the air of secrecy persisted with individual accounts go for as low as $3 some hackers set up configurations to crack into multiple accounts for $15.
Netflix passwords: $1.25
Hacked Netflix accounts are the easiest to spot online. Numerous postings may be found on a number of hacking forums hawking individual Netflix credentials. They cost about $1.25 a pop. A site called PayIvy made headlines when hackers put their loot on the PayIvy marketplace, being anonymously paid via PayPal. However, many Netflix accounts are still available on PayIvy, the company vows to remove all illegal content from its marketplace at months end.
Crypting services: $8
Crypting is a seasoned service the Hackers offer, in which a piece of malware is checked for antiviral detection and then encrypts the file till it becomes virtually undetectable. Basically it is a tool to take a malware to its most destructive heights. Hackers offer crypting for very cheap prices at $5 for one or $8 for two, according to Business Insider.
So which one is affordable for you or which one you would like to learn?
If you are going to hire any hacker, do it on your own responsibility. We at HackRead are not responsible if you got scammed or arrested for any criminal activity.
Business Insider