Automatic updates have been the most irritating and annoying feature of the otherwise decent version of Microsoft’s Windows 10. Users became so disturbed by this feature that even Microsoft became worried and noticed a sharp decline in users of its latest version of Windows. Many were switching back to older versions just to avoid automatic updating of the software. The updating feature was actually added to keep the operating system protected and to allow them freedom from managing updates manually. But the feature became more of a bane than a blessing for users.
So, Microsoft decided to resolve the issue once and for all. Sergey Tkachenko from Winaero identified that there will be a new feature in Windows 10 that will allow users to delay the automatic update for at least 35 days. This feature hasn’t yet been officially launched or confirmed by Microsoft but the leaked build of Windows 10 Creator Update explains it all.
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The problem with the update feature was that while the system was updating, the users couldn’t perform any other task on the device. If there was an important Skype conversation underway, it will be instantly cut whenever there was an update available. Same occurred while users created PowerPoint presentations. The waiting period becomes overbearing since some of the updates were so huge that their size was in gigabytes and slower internet connection made the situation worse for many.
So, it seems as if Microsoft will now allow users to take control and update the OS as and when they intend to. Tkachenko noted that this new feature will be available in Windows 10 build 14997 and users will be able to delay the update for 35 days at least.
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However, it is important to note that the Windows 10 build 14997 is only a leak and isn’t meant to be for the public. The previews of Windows 10 are currently available for members of Window’s Insider Program and any proceedings have been halted until 2017. It is worth noting that the final public build will not be available until March 2017.
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